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Bride of Christ

Private·28 Brethren


This group is being formed for the purpose of preparing the Bride of Christ for the return of the King. We believe that Abba is calling His Church to become essential again, and effective in her communities.

The following is our foundational beliefs that will not be deviated from. Everything else outside of this is considered personal preferences and does not effect salvation. Everything else will not be allowed to cause dissension within this group, period.

We believe in the Holy Trinity--God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that God created everything and that He gave His only Son to die on the cross for our sins and that Jesus Christ was resurrected, descended to the earth and met with His disciples for a period of time. Jesus ascended back to heaven sending us the promised Holy Spirit to empower and embolden us, to guide us and teach us. We believe that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, will return for His Bride, the Church. We believe that we must prepare ourselves for His return, encouraging the Church in love, honor, grace, mercy, service and brotherly love.


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  • January 21, 2021


  • Ann L

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