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Who is this Man?

So many believers spend the majority of their lives trying to please God, work harder for him and live in the constant fear that they aren’t doing enough for him. This kind of thinking and living ends up crushing you. The truth is that our God is a Bridegroom and he has made us for himself. He has designed us for deep intimacy with him, knowing and encountering his affections for us and out of the overflow of that encounter, living a life with him. The Holy Spirit is calling his people to this reality in these days. He is doing this by anointing his friends to write, speak, and communicate these realities to people all over the world. I am so excited for the release of Ann Lindholm’s new book called, “Captivated?” Ann opens her heart and through her own musings, thoughts, and writing, invites us into deep intimacy with God. I absolutely love this book and am so excited it’s being released for such a time as this.

---Corey Russell
Author of “Teach us to Pray”


In this hustle-bustle world, we rush from one obligation to the next at breakneck speed, leaving us feeling like time with the Lord is just one more item to check off. Author Ann Lindholm shows us another way, beckoning us to quit running and be still in His presence, the Lover of our soul. Through Lindholm's musings and meditations, we experience her captivation with her Savior and deepen our own intimacy with the One who created us. Grab a cup of coffee/tea, curl up with Captivated, and draw near to His throne of grace. He’s already there waiting for you.—Candace Kirkpatrick, Actress


The love of our Dad, the correction of our Father and the direction of our King, all wrapped up in the surrender of our hearts to Him...such are found in these pages. Read, ponder, rejoice and be as He is.

--Camy “Cameron” Arnett, Camy Arnett Production Studios,


El Amore Que Reconcilia: El Corazon del Padre

¿Es usted homicida? ¿Tiene estilo de vida homosexual? ¿Ha tenido relaciones sexuales fuera del matrimonio? ¿Se ha practicado un aborto? ¿Tiene adicción a sustancias ilícitas? ¿Es adicto al trabajo? ¿Ha sido infiel a su conyugue? ¿Es difícil pensar que algo bueno pueda resultar que de su pasado? No importa el pecado que usted haya cometido, Dios le ama y desea que usted sea reconciliado con Él.

El amor que reconcilia revela lo siguiente:

  • El corazón del Padre por Sus hijos

  • Cómo recibir el perdón de Dios

  • Cómo reconciliar nuestras relaciones personales por medio de la reconciliación. Si tiene relaciones fracturadas, ¡este libro es para usted! Si usted está vivo, ¡este libro es para usted!


"Just" a Housewife: The Powerful Role that Shapes Generations

The forgotten and often forsaken role of housewife has led to a broken society. In "Just" a Housewife the author will explore why this important role must be resurrected to save future generations. From a biblical standpoint, "Just" a Housewife touches on every aspect of the role from homemaking to health, from childrearing to cooking. You won't want to miss the highly sought after surprise at the end either! Hear about amazing testimonies regarding her children's miraculous healing and protection in the Family Health chapter! Sit back, grab a cup, or a pot of coffee, and join her on the journey of being "Just" a Housewife.

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Love to Reconcile: The Heart of the Father

Love to Reconcile reveals:

  • The heart of the Father for His children.  

  • How we can receive forgiveness from God 

  • How our personal relationship can be healed through reconciliation.  


If any of your relationships are strained, this book is for you!  If you feel distant from God, this book is for you!  If you are breathing, this book is for you!

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